Chinese Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy (Dry or Fire)

Cupping Therapy is a time-honored Chinese practice that utilizes specially designed cups to produce suction on the skin. The suction is achieved either via heat, known as fire cupping, or using mechanical devices, referred to as dry cupping. Historically, this therapy has been deployed to treat a myriad of conditions, spanning muscle discomfort to respiratory challenges.

Types of Cupping:

  • Static Cupping: This can be conducted using glass (fire cupping) or plastic cups.

  • Slide Cupping: Incorporating oils for a massaging effect, slide cupping enhances blood circulation in the treated area and eases tense muscles. Silicon or plastic cups can be employed for this method.

  • Combination treatments using both the above methods are also common.

Benefits of Cupping:

  • Detoxification: Aids in toxin elimination and bolsters lymphatic flow.

  • Pain Alleviation: Targets issues like inflammation and discomfort.

  • Enhanced Well-being: Augments general health and relaxation.

  • Boosted Blood Flow: Encourages improved circulation to the treated regions.

It's pivotal to be informed that Cupping Therapy can result in marks resembling bruises. These may persist for several days, contingent on the condition's intensity. Although most such marks will vanish within a few days, there can be instances where they linger for up to 15 days. These marks typically don't cause pain, though occasionally, there might be associated soreness, itching, or muscle discomfort.

Cupping Therapy Contraindications

While beneficial, Cupping Therapy isn't universally suitable. Certain conditions pose risks when undergoing this treatment. If you possess any of the following conditions, it's imperative to inform your practitioner, as they might need to modify the procedure or deem it inadvisable.

  • Haemophilia or related clotting/bleeding issues.

  • Consumption of blood thinners.

  • Existing bruises.

  • Skin disorders like psoriasis, eczema, or other conditions compromising the skin's integrity.

  • Usage of medication such as steroid creams, resulting in thin skin.

  • Varicose veins, Edema, or Lymphedema (avoid cupping in these areas).

  • Medical conditions influencing healing rates or pain thresholds. In uncertain cases, consult your physician before the treatment.

  • Influence of drugs or alcohol.

  • Cancer (irrespective of undergoing treatment or not).

Book a Chinese Cupping Therapy Session

Are you in the Edinburgh area and interested in Chinese Cupping Therapy? Click the button and make an appointment with Bubbles of Light: