Reiki Therapy

Reiki Therapy in Edinburgh

Since 2013, I've offered Reiki therapy, a gentle and non-intrusive form of hands-on healing. Reiki taps into spiritual energy to recalibrate and harmonize your energy field, fostering both personal and spiritual growth.

Originating from Japan, Reiki is a holistic approach that harnesses life force energy to instill healing and equilibrium across the body, mind, and emotions. Practitioners use specific hand placements, either touching or hovering over the body, to channel this energy. It is believed that when our life force energy diminishes or encounters blockages, we become susceptible to illnesses and heightened stress. The essence of Reiki is to boost and align this energy.

Benefits of Reiki

  • Emotional Balance: Mitigates stress, anxiety, and feelings of depression.

  • Energetic Restoration: Clears obstructions and harmonizes chakras.

  • Natural Healing: Amplifies the body's inherent healing capabilities.

  • Overall Well-being: Synchronizes all facets of an individual, advocating a comprehensive approach to wellness.

Reiki Principles as taught by Mikao Usui:

  • "Just for today, I will release anger."

  • "Just for today, I will release worry."

  • "Just for today, I will recognize my blessings."

  • "Just for today, I will work with integrity."

  • "Just for today, I will extend kindness to all beings."

Reiki is a comprehensive system geared towards healing, harmonizing, and balancing all dimensions of a person, encompassing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects. As Reiki permeates your aura and physical form, it dissolves energetic disturbances and obstructions, clarifying and aligning chakras, and restoring the natural flow of life-force energy throughout your being.

The renowned physicist Max Planck once observed, "All matter originates and exists solely due to a force... Behind this force, we must envision a conscious and intelligent Mind – the foundation of all matter."

It's essential to distinguish between healing and medicine. While Reiki embodies the art of holistic healing, it doesn't equate to medical practice. Intended as a supplementary approach, Reiki should never replace professional medical care. For severe medical concerns, always seek guidance from a healthcare professional. Reiki serves to enhance the harmony of the mind, body, emotions, and spirit, complementing traditional medical treatments.

Book a Reiki Therapy Session

Are you in the Edinburgh area and interested in reiki therapy? Click the button and make an appointment with Bubbles of Light: