Important Legal Information and Disclaimer

Before proceeding with any treatment, it's essential that understand and consent to the therapies provided. Please read the following information carefully. If you have any concerns or questions, do not hesitate to discuss them with us.

Tuina – Chinese Medical Massage

  • Tuina massage is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine, alongside acupuncture, qi gong, and Chinese herbal medicine.

  • The therapy involves hands-on massage techniques, either through clothing or using oil. It's both relaxing and stimulates the body's natural healing mechanisms.

  • Tuina aims to break up blockages, promote blood circulation, release tense muscles, and mobilize joints and tendons.

  • It also stimulates the flow of qi, using principles similar to acupuncture.

Cupping Therapy: Dry cupping or fire cupping

  • Cupping is a therapeutic technique from traditional Chinese Medicine.

  • It uses special cups to create suction on the skin, which can be stationary or moved around.

  • The therapy aims to increase blood circulation, remove toxins, improve well-being, and address various ailments like pain, inflammation, and infections.

  • Important: Before therapy, you will be given a form entitled Annex A, which informs of the Contraindications for Cupping Therapy before giving consent.

Myofascial Release Therapy

  • Fascia is the connective tissue enveloping our muscles, bones, and other body parts.

  • Unhealthy fascia can become sticky, tight, and cause pain due to various reasons like poor posture, stress, or injuries.

  • Myofascial release therapy addresses these issues, easing tension in trigger points and restoring flexibility.

  • Important: Before therapy, you will be given a form entitled Annex A, which informs of the Contraindications for Myofascial Release Therapy before giving consent.

Reiki Therapy

  • Reiki is a holistic system that balances and harmonizes the body, mind, and emotions.

  • It can address various issues like stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and pain.

  • Reiki therapy breaks down energetic disruptions, clears chakras, and ensures a healthy flow of life-force throughout the body.

Consent & Agreement

By proceeding, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

  • You voluntarily request the chosen therapy: Tuina, Cupping, MFR, or Reiki.

  • The therapy is for wellness, stress reduction, and relief from muscular tension.

  • The therapist does NOT diagnose illnesses, prescribe medications, or perform spinal manipulations.

  • These therapies are NOT substitutes for medical examinations or treatments.

  • You've accurately stated all known conditions and will update the therapist on any changes.

  • You've read Annex A, are aware of potential risks, and have informed the therapist of all medical conditions.

  • You understand the importance of communicating any discomfort during the session.

  • You will treat and be treated with respect and integrity.

  • Payment is due before each session.

  • You do not have any contagious conditions.

  • You've had the opportunity to ask questions and received satisfactory answers.